Woodlands Hospice | Hospice Care for North Liverpool, South Sefton and Kirkby in Knowsely

0151 529 2299


We currently have six charity shops: Norris Green, Orrell Park, Old Swan, Kirkby, Maghull, Ormskirk plus a unit at Red Brick Vintage in the Baltic Market, Liverpool.

We also have a number of online shopping options:

eBay Vinted Depop

All our shops sell good quality pre-loved items including ladies and gents clothing, shoes and gifts. Pop in and see the lovely selection of items for sale and grab a bargain!

We would be delighted to receive your donated goods. We are always looking for good quality donated items to sell. Maybe you have a few clothes you no longer wear taking up space in your wardrobe you could donate? 

Or if you can spare a few hours a week maybe you would like to volunteer to help in one of the shops, please pop in and speak to the manager or contact us on 0151 529 4473 or woodlands.volunteering@liverpoolft.nhs.uk

We look forward to seeing you there...

Kirkby Shop exteriorKirkbyP1140662
St Chad's Parade, Kirkby
Town Centre L32 8UG
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday
9.00am - 4.30pm
0151 345 6432

Norris Green shop frontNorris GreenNorris Green shop interior
Broadway, Norris Green
Liverpool L11 1BY
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday
9.00am - 4.30pm
0151 345 8081

Orrell-Park-Shop-exteriorOrrell ParkOrrell-Park-Shop-interior
87 Moss Lane, Orrell Park,
Liverpool L9 8AE
Opening hours: 
Monday to Saturday
10:30am - 3:30pm
0151 345 4484

Old Swan ExteriorOld SwanOld Swan Interior
531 Prescot Road,
Old Swan L13 5UR
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday
9:00am - 4:30pm
0151 345 0230

Old Swan ExteriorRed Brick VintageRed Brick Unit Interior
The Courtyard,
Cains Brewery Village,
Stanhope Street, L8 5XJ

Mon - Sat: 10:00am - 6:00pm

Sunday: 10:00 - 5:00pm

Maghull ExteriorMaghullMaghull Raffle Basket
Unit 8,
5 Stafford Moreton Way,
Maghull, L31 2PH

Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 4:30pm
0151 345 0080


Ormskirk ExteriorOrmskirkTill Ormskirk Shop
3 Moor St,
Ormskirk L39 2AA

Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 4:30pm